Happiness or Success what is more important and why?


Have you ever thought of happiness or success? And what is more important for you and why? Most people think that success leads to happiness and they always look for successes in life in order to attain happiness.


They fail to achieve happiness in their life. In fact, they misunderstood the real meaning of success in life. Remember success may give you happiness for a short period of time but soon you will feel a lack of happiness.

So you must know the difference between the two and the real meaning of happiness in life. Also, success is defined by others on the general concept of society. But happiness is something different and varies from person to person. So never ever think of society when you search for your happiness.

Do small things for great happiness

As you know ocean can be made drop by drop. So never underestimate the power of small things in life. It is the major problem of your life. You always think of achieving something great in life through some great effort. But in this process, you either wait for the right moment or amount of effort.

You may know the power of compounding generally used in the finance sector. Where constant investment of even a small amount can make you rich. So in the same manner a simple work of happiness can make you happier.

In the present era of modern life, you have ignored all the things that actually play a vital role in attaining happiness in life. You always think of getting success in life even at the cost of your happiness.

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

So don’t ignore the small and little happiness in life like doing something you like. It may be going for a walk, listening to music, watching your favourite movies etc. Therefore do small things and be happy in life.

Follow your heart rather than the general trend of society

Everyone has a different set of qualities that makes him/her unique. But very few identify their qualities and work on them. It is because most people follow the trends set by society and family. And in following them they hardly follow their passion.

So in order to attain happiness in life, you have to follow your passion. It may be difficult initially but a continuous effort can do wonders in your life. And you will attain happiness in your life. You won’t be feeling sad and low if you follow your passion and interest.

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. And you will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” ~ Albert Camus

But, it is very difficult in modern society to follow your passion due to the undue pressure of society and family to settle in life. For them to lead a happy life they must have a good job, a spouse and kids.

Therefore you need to follow your passion once you attained the basic necessities of life like a job, family etc. Then only you can think of following your passion peacefully.

Always think in terms of happiness rather than success only

The most common factor of lack of happiness in life is because you follow in terms of success only. You always think of success before satisfaction and happiness. The main reason behind this is you hardly think of the difference between happiness and success.

And the most common misunderstanding is success leads to happiness. So you look for success only. All actions are directed to achieve success only. And you never think of happiness in your life.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Therefore it is high time to think of happiness or success as separate things in life. And remember you can achieve happiness with satisfaction and peace of mind. So do things that satisfy you and make you happy even a little bit.

And stop looking for success only as a criterion for happiness in life. Happiness is beyond the boundaries of success.

Do some charity work

Helping others is the best way to achieve happiness and peace of mind. The more you help others the more you feel happy. It generates a kind of positive energy in our soul and mind that makes us happy.

On the other hand, if you do things for being successful only. You won’t be able to achieve the real happiness of life. And you make yourself tied between successes of life and you hardly taste the real happiness of life.


The work of charity should be pure without thinking of anything in return like fame or favour. Otherwise, the sanctity of charity will be tarnished and you hardly get any happiness out of it. So be careful and clear while doing any charity work. It should be pure.

Take care of your physical and mental health

Good health is what everyone needs yet few try to achieve it. If you want happiness in life then you must have good physical and mental health. You can’t enjoy anything with bad health.

So it is your duty to make your health good. Imagine you have achieved all the successes of the world but in the absence of good health, can you enjoy it? perhaps not. So make a habit of having good and sound health.

Follow a healthy lifestyle like exercise, natural foods etc. This will not only improve your physical but mental health also. Do some meditations for better mental health.

Read some meaningful books

Happiness or Success

Reading is a habit that can change your outlook and understanding completely. Nowadays in the era of distractions like social media, mobiles etc, It is very difficult to spare some time for reading.

But there are certain techniques that can be used to learn the techniques of reading. There are some techniques that you can use to avoid distractions and utilize your valuable time in reading.

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”
Dalai Lama XIV

Therefore you can have a lot of happiness in your life based on your attitude and the effort required for a happy and meaningful life. So always look for the good in others and try to acquire it. It will also improve your mental state and makes you feel happy and contented.

In the last never ignore the capacity of your brain. It is endless and has eternal capacity. You are ignoring it. So believe in yourself, you can do anything in this world and can achieve happiness and peace of mind.

All the best !!!

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