How to Live a Happy and Peaceful life?

happy and peaceful life,motivation,happiness,peace of mind

Imagine you have all the resources and luxuries of the world. Do you think, you will have a happy and peaceful life? You may or may not. Having all the resources doesn’t guarantee having a happy and peaceful life.

Do you know the ultimate purpose of life is to have a happy and peaceful life? You do a lot of work for you and your family just to have a happy and peaceful life. But in search of it, you lose a lot of valuable things in your life. And you end up losing the happiness and peacefulness of your life instead.

In acquiring a happy and peaceful life you must look at some basic concepts. They are as follows:-

1. The purpose of life

Everyone has a different purpose in life. And for achieving that purpose you work a lot. But the ultimate goal is to have a happy and peaceful life for yourself and your family. So you must think about the reason of happiness in your life.

It is the reason that gives you energy and motivation for acquiring happy and peaceful life. Your purpose in life must include some meaningful work for society and your country. Helping others is a good way to achieve happiness and peace of mind.

2. The sources of a happy and peaceful life

To achieve a happy and peaceful life you have some definite sources like

  • Inner content
  • Inner worth
  • Happiness Vs pleasure
  • Comparison

Inner contentment is the key to a happy and peaceful life, without it, nothing is meaningful and good in life.

Inner worth is the best way to achieve happiness and peaceful life. Suppose you have all the luxuries in your life but if you don’t value yourself, all of it is worthless. So value your inner self and have belief in yourself.

You always feel confused about happiness and pleasure in your life. You have to choose happiness rather than pleasure. As pleasure is short-lived and can have some evil intent. But happiness is sacred and meaningful in life. So choose happiness rather than pleasure.

Comparison is like a poison of life that destroys all your happiness and peace of mind. When you do any comparison, you devalue and disrespect yourself and create doubt about your capability and efficiency. It leads to an unhappy and stressful life.

Therefore the sources of life play an important role in acquiring a happy and peaceful life. So don’t ignore the value of these resources in your life.

3. Reshaping mind for a happy and peaceful life

The main source of happiness and peace in your mind. As you have noticed how your mind has been trained since your birth. Society and parents have directly or indirectly taught you that a comfortable and luxurious life is a happy life and it brings out peace of mind.


Once you achieved all the materialistic things in life, you realize it wasn’t necessary for having a happy and peaceful life. Real happiness is not something that you can purchase from money. So, you must change this social belief. And look for the condiments of a happy and peaceful life. Only your change of belief and perspective can provide you with a happy and peaceful life.

happy and peaceful life

4. Compassion for human beings for a happy and peaceful life

The world is full of different types of human beings. There are haves and haves not in the world. If you are from the haves category then you must help others. You must develop compassion for human beings. Try to feel their conditions of life and do help them.

A little help can change a lot in their lives. There is a famous saying ” A rich man’s convenience is a poor man’s life saving”. So a little compassion can do wonders in the life of poor and haves not. Compassion also makes you feel happy and at peace of mind. This will certainly give you a happy and peaceful life.

5. Kindness for a happy and peaceful life

Kindness is the main condiment of a happy and peaceful life. It is kindness that makes us lively and true human beings. Kindness is necessary for acquiring the good qualities of human beings viz happiness, empathy, helping others etc.

Once you develop kindness, you will feel a kind of new energy and power in yourself. Kindness is like a catalyst that energizes your body and soul.

6. Controlling your anger and hatred for a happy and peaceful life

Anger is the root cause of all the evil of the world. It is the anger that damages our life most. Also, anger breaks your relationships, family, friendships etc. of your life. In the same manner, hatred also damages your peace of mind and happiness. hatred is of the two kinds viz, with self and others. Both kinds are harmful and damaging for a happy and peaceful life.

Therefore a good control is necessary for a happy and peaceful life. All you need to do is to use some techniques of anger management for controlling it. Better control can make your life very easy and full of happiness. And it will lead to achieving a happy and peaceful life.

7.Resolution of anxiety

Anxiety happens when you worry about the future unnecessarily and think all the time about it. So, it not only robs your happiness but peace of mind also. Although happiness and peace of mind are complementary to each other yet most of us see them differently.


One thing is sure anxiety is the destroyer of all the happiness of the world. Our main target must include controlling the anxiety of our life. And it will make you motivated for life to achieve a happy and peaceful life.

8. Spiritual life

It is the ultimate stage of acquiring a happy and peaceful life. Spiritual life includes all the positive qualities of human beings such as kindness. empathy, meditations, mindfulness, helping others etc. It’s a way of life to dedicate yourself to others. Spiritual life can exist only with a disciplined life. So you have to work hard in order to achieve spirituality in life.

You must develop kindness, empathy and a helping nature. And it will give you a path to achieve a spiritual life. Moreover, it includes some higher-order techniques like meditation. You can start meditating on a daily basis even for a short period of time. It will definitely give you a happy and peaceful life.


A happy and peaceful life is a combination of these practices that you can do very easily. Therefore I am sure you will achieve a happy and peaceful life. So just practice these things seriously.

All the best !!!


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